e656 Patients Who Undergo Bilateral Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction Return to Sport at a Similar Rate as Those that Undergo Unilateral Reconstruction

e657 The Bump Will Make them Jump: Anatomic Drivers of J Sign Presence, Severity, and Quality

e658 Patellar Distalization following Anteromedializing Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy for Recurrent Knee Dislocation: A Retrospective Case Series

e659 Patients Who Undergo Tibial Tubercle Anteromedialization and Medial Patellofemoral Ligament (MPFL) Reconstruction Demonstrate Similar Psychological Readiness and Rates of Return to Sport to Those Who Undergo Isolated MPFL Reconstruction

e660 Obesity and Public Insurance is Associated with Increased Time to MRI and Surgery in Adolescent Athletes with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury