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334 Sagittal Gait Kinematics in Adults with Cerebral Palsy at Gross Motor Classification System I, II, or III With and Without Hamstrings Surgery

336 MRI is a Feasible Alternative to Arthrogram and Spica Cast Change in Closed Reduction Treatment for a Developmentally Dislocated Hip

337 Massive Rotator Cuff Tears Augmented with a Subacromial Balloon Spacer: Does it Reduce the Retear Rate? A Prospective Study

339 To Patch or Not – A Comparative Cohort Study of Revision Rotator Cuff Repairs With versus Without an Arthroscopically-Inserted Onlay Bioinductive Implant

340 Liposomal Bupivacaine + Bupivacaine versus Bupivacaine Interscalene Nerve Block Effect on Pain after Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair: A Randomized Control Trial