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324 Higher 5-Year Reoperations following Ankle Fractures in Patients with Concomitant Ankle Arthroscopic Procedures: A National Analysis of 59,142 Patients

325 Reoperative Realms: Exploring Reoperations following Femoral Osteotomy in Patients with Cerebral Palsy

326 Impact of Hip vs. Knee Pain at Initial Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Presentation: Time to Imaging, Surgery, and Complications

330 Idiopathic Toe Walking: Retrospective Cohort Study Demonstrates Gastrocs/Soleus/Achilles Surgery Results in Greatest Improvement in ROM and Greatest Resolution of Toe Walking

331 Temporary Hemi-epiphysiodesis with Hinged Tension Band Plates in Skeletally Immature Patients with Genu Valgum: Faster Correction in Younger Patients