Aldh1l1-cre/ERT2 promoter drives flox-mediated recombination in peripheral immune cells in addition to astrocytes
Mario Amatruda1, Jorge Villavicencio1, Graham Britton2, Sam Horng1
1Neurology, 2Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
To characterize the cell specificity of Aldh1l1-cre/ERT2-driven recombination in the spleen and spinal cord of mice during peak experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). 
Transgenic mouse models are deployed to study astrocyte-specific alterations in gene expression in in vivo models of neuroinflammation, stroke and neurodegenerative disease. The widely used Aldh1L1-cre/ERT2 promoter demonstrates a high level of astrocyte specificity within the CNS though specificity outside the CNS has not yet been well characterized.
We compared the astrocyte specificity of two promoter lines, Tg(Aldh1l1-cre/ERT2)1Khakh and Tg(Gfap-cre)73.12Mvs, by crossing them to the Gt(ROSA)26Sor line, which contains a tdTomato sequence preceded by a loxP-flanked STOP cassette. Heterozygous mice (Aldh1l1-cre/ERT2:ROSA and Gfap-cre:ROSA) express promoter-driven tdTomato. Aldh1l1-cre/ERT2 was activated 2 weeks prior to EAE induction using 5 daily intraperitoneal (ip) injections of 100mg/kg tamoxifen in corn oil (20mg/ml). GFAP-cre is constitutive and does not require activation.  EAE was induced at 8-10 postnatal weeks (Aldh1l1-cre/ERT2:ROSA and Gfap-cre:ROSA, n=3 each) with one dorsal lumbar subcutaneous injection of MOG35-55 + Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA) and two ip injections of 60ng pertussis (PTX) toxin at 2-5 and 20-25 hours. Spleen and spinal cords were processed for flow cytometry at 5 days from disease onset with spleens from healthy Aldh1l1-cre/ERT2:ROSA mice (n=3) as a control. Cells were stained for surface markers for neutrophils, macrophages, B cells and T cells and flow cytometry was measured on a Cytek Aurora Flow Cytometer and analyzed with FCS Express software (De Novo).
Multiple subpopulations of peripheral immune cells, including neutrophils, CD19+ B cells, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, expressed Aldh1l1-cre/ERT2 driven tdTomato. TdTomato positive immune cell populations were not present in mGFAP-Cre tdTomato mice.

Aldh1l1-cre/ERT2 induces recombination in peripheral immune cells in addition to astrocytes. Gfap-cre does not and may therefore represent a more specific tool to target astrocytes in neuroinflammatory disease.
