Prevalence and risk factors of primary headache disorders among Healthcare professionals in México, results of a multicenter survey
Rodolfo Roman Guzman1, Ildefonso Rodriguez-Leyva1, Gamaliel Aguilera Barragán Pickens1, Sandra Badial1, Melissa Vega1
1Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi

The objectives of this study were (1) to assess the prevalence of primary headaches among medical staff and nurses in México; (2) to describe risk factors for Tensional Headache and Migraine; (3) to examine the frequency of Medication-overuse headache (MOH).


The global prevalence of current headache disorders among adults is nearly 47%. A Mexican cohort in teachers reported a lifetime prevalence of 19% of migraine. Nevertheless, there is lack of epidemiology reports of other primary headache types in México.


An online survey was conducted randomly, including staff from 7 hospital centers, in the period from August 16 to 22, 2022.


Of a total of 387 surveys (attending physicians=63; residents=211; last year medical students=44; nursing staff=69), 324 (83.7%) stated they had headache, of which 239 (73.8%) had migraine and 253 (78.1%) tension headache. Headache was significantly more prevalent in nursing staff and last year medical students vs. residents and attendings (95.2%, 93.2% vs. 77.7%, 84.1%; P= 0.001), however, this difference was not observed in migraine-specific prevalence (77.3%, 78% VS 75.6%, 60.4; P=0.090) nor for tension headache (69.6%, 68.3% VS 82.3%, 83.0%; P=0.058). Medication abuse was found in 5.1%, being more frequent in nursing staff and last year medical students VS residents and assigned (7.6%, 14.6% VS 4.9%, 0.0%; P=0.022). No relationship was found for the onset or worsening of headache with the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this first Mexican study of headache in healthcare professionals, it is confirmed that primary headaches are more prevalent than in the general population.