Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Local Clinical Trials
Saketh Annam1, Solmaz Ramezani Hashtjin1, Shayan Khan1, Abbey Staugaitis1, Christopher Streib1
1Department of Neurology, University of Minnesota
To promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in clinical trials through remote research practices
Clinical trials tend to disproportionately enroll white, male subjects calling into question the generalizability of these studies. The University of Minnesota Stroke Program has helped pioneer telemedicine and remote research practices in stroke clinical trials in collaboration with NIH Stroke Trials Network. This infrastructure supports 24-7 study recruitment that is directly integrated into clinical practice and informs an internal culture of approaching all eligible patients for participation in clinical trials without internal selection bias.

We retrospectively reviewed all enrollments in three Phase-III acute stroke clinical trials (NCT03735979, NCT03785678, NCT02864953) enrolled at our tertiary stroke center (Fairview Southdale Hospital) from June 30, 2019 - April 30, 2022. We compared demographics (age, gender, race, ethnicity, and primary language [English: yes/no]) of cohort enrolled in clinical trials versus demographics of general stroke patient population utilizing chi-squared testing and descriptive statistics.


Sixty-eight patients were enrolled in acute stroke trials (34 in MOST,30 in TIMELESS, 4 in CHARM) with a median age of 71 (IQR 20.25) at Fairview Southdale Hospital.

Race     Enrollment       Patient Population

White   86.76% (59)       86.7% (2282)


American 5.88% (4)        5.7% (149)

Asian       4.41% (3)          3% (79)

Others      1.47% (1)        4.6% (121)

Language      Enrollment     Patient population

English          94.1% (64)       96.6% (2526)

Somali             2.94% (2)       0.535% (14)

Vietnamese       1.47% (1)        0.46% (12)

Others                1.47% (1).      2.5% (63)

Ethnicity        Enrollment      Patient Population

Non-Hispanic  94.1% (64)     79.51% (2079)

Hispanic or Latino 1.47% (1)   1.68% (44)

Others/Unknown 4.41% (3)    18.81% (492)

Gender       Enrollment       Patient Population

Male             51% (35)           47% (1496)

Female           49% (33)         53% (1688)

We found no notable differences in gender, race, and ethnicity between our clinical trial and non-clinical trial stroke cohorts. Remote research practices eliminates inherent selection bias in clinical research teams and may reduce disparities in clinical trial representation.