Survey on the Fellowship Application Timeline for UCNS-accredited Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychiatry Programs
Sylvia Josephy1, Roy Hamilton2
1Costa Rican College of Physicians, 2University of Pennsylvania
Evaluate impressions of program directors (PDs) and fellows regarding the fellowship application timelines for UCNS-accredited behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry (BNNP) programs. Also, assess PDs’ disposition toward unified timepoints.
Despite 1) an AAN position statement calling for unified fellowship application timelines and 2) prior surveys documenting residents’ strong preferences for a unified timeline, BNNP programs have not yet adhered to this strategy.
A one-time REDCap survey was distributed to all UCNS-accredited BNNP fellowship PDs. PDs were asked to forward the survey to current and incoming fellows.
Surveys were completed by 22 PDs (50% response rate) and 17 fellows (11 current, 6 incoming). 71% of fellows belonged to a neurology residency and 29% psychiatry. Regarding the application process, most fellowship programs reported rolling admissions. We noted a span of 17 months between the first application opening (August PGY-3) and the last position offering (January PGY-4), with interviews occurring in the interim. 86.3% of PDs agreed (4 or 5 out of 5 on a Likert scale) that the different application timelines can negatively impact their ability to recruit applicants and 95.5% would be open to having an agreed upon date before which no offers would be made. Only 41.1% of fellows reported that different timelines prevented them from completing interviews for all their desired programs, but 82.4% agreed that the different timelines negatively impacted the ability of programs to recruit applicants; 88.3% agreed with a unified timeline. Between 50 and 60% of fellows reported anxiety or stress in trying to keep fellowship offers open while awaiting later interviews and navigating the different timelines. PDs commented on the importance of considering the typical fellowship application timelines for both neurology and psychiatry residencies.

Most participants recognized challenges due to differing timelines. Most PDs agree in unifying the time when fellowship positions are offered.
