The Power of a Post-It: The Reach and Impact of the Twitter Teaching Initiative “#NeuroPostItPearls”
Casey Albin1, Antreas Charidimou2, Lyell Jones3
1Emory University School of Medicine, 2Boston Medical Center, Boston University, 3Mayo Clinic

To assess the feasibility of using social media for neurologic education using the Twitter hashtag “#NeuroPostItPearls.”


Social media platforms like Twitter offer a powerful way to reach a global audience and the #neurotwitter community has grown exponentially since the COVID19 pandemic. To be searchable, educational posts are often hashtagged with a unique moniker. Creation of the #PostItPearls microteaching movement is credited to Michelle Lin, an emergency medicine physician, who in 2017 started highlighting teaching “pearls” by writing them on Post-its that were then shared on Twitter. Although widely shared, these were largely not applicable to the neurology community. 


The hashtag #NeuroPostItPearls was launched on July 1st, 2022 with the aim of sharing bite-sized teaching with incoming neurology residents. For this study, data was collected about the number of participants and the Twitter analytics of top posts. We used an AI-driven Twitter analytic platform (“Tweepsmap”) to create a descriptive analysis of the data and to visualize the global reach and summative impact of the hashtag through September 2022.


Six authors shared original Post-it “Pearls” (“Pearls” per author ranged from 1-31). The most widely liked and retweeted content focused on neurologic differentials (Retweets 133/Likes 447), hypertonic bicarb for ICP crisis (96/449), strategies for tPA reversal (71/387), anti-seizure drug interactions (76/351) and the Guillain-Barré 20/30/40 Rule (78/281). The impression of high impact tweets was between 30k and 60k views. In total, posts with the hashtag generated nearly 1 million views (972K). The 48 original “pearls” were retweeted a cumulative of 969 times by 663 individuals across 58 countries. 67.4% of the Twitter users that retweeted them were healthcare workers.


Twitter is a viable platform for sharing microteaching with the global neurology community. Further study is needed about the long-term educational impact and best practices for teaching through social media.
