Horner’s Syndrome as an Atypical Presentation of Neuroborreliosis: A Case Report and Review of Literature
Sarah Bou Reslan1, George Park1, Sakinah Sabadia1, Scott Grossman1, Elina Zakin1
1New York University, Langone Health
To localize and report postganglionic Horner’s syndrome as an unusual presentation of neuroborreliosis.
Lyme disease is the most common tick-born infection in the United Sates with ~30,000 reportable cases yearly, 10-15% involving the nervous system. Neuroborreliosis has a heterogenous spectrum of clinical manifestations. Currently, there are few case reports of associated Horner's syndrome. Localization has not been well described with no cases reporting positive imaging findings. 
Case report.

A 50-year-old healthy woman presented with four days of high-grade fever and left-sided headache followed by one day of left droopy eyelid. Symptoms developed two weeks after an outdoor summer trip to Massachusetts with exposure to insect bites. Her neurologic exam demonstrated 2mm left-sided ptosis, miosis with a briskly reactive right pupil from 6-to-2mm and left pupil from 3-to-2mm in the dark, and 2mm-difference in pupil size in the light with a smaller left pupil. She also developed macular patches over the head and trunk consistent with multifocal erythema migrans. Initial laboratory work-up showed mild anemia, thrombocytopenia, and elevated transaminase levels. MRI of  brain and orbits with contrast revealed asymmetric enhancement within the left cavernous sinus and superior orbital fissure with mild edema of the left extraocular muscles. MRA/MRV did not show evidence of cavernous sinus thrombosis, carotid-cavernous fistula, or other abnormalities. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis showed lymphocytic pleocytosis with negative Borrelia species detection by PCR. Further testing revealed elevated serum total Lyme antibody and Western blot IgM suggestive of Lyme neuroborreliosis. Patient was treated with oral doxycycline with resolution of symptoms.

Neuroborreliosis has a highly variable clinical presentation. This case illustrates and localizes an isolated Horner's syndrome as a masquerading presentation of neuroborreliosis. Therefore, clinical suspicion and early recognition are important, especially in the setting of a convincing history, to prompt early diagnosis and initiation of treatment and to prevent disease progression. 