Pediatric opsoclonus myoclonus ataxia syndrome in the setting of COVID-19
Maayan Yakir1, Dana Most2, Jonathan Hermel3, Michael Zimbric1, Jennifer Friedman1, Jong Rho1
1Departments of Neurosciences and Pediatrics, 2Department of Neurosciences, 3Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Diego
To describe peri-infectious opsoclonus myoclonus ataxia syndrome (OMAS) in the setting of COVID-19 infection in children.

OMAS is well described in pediatric patients with peripheral neuroblastic tumors and less defined in the setting of peri-infectious etiologies such as SARS-CoV-19 which is better appreciated in adults.


We describe two separate cases of peri-infectious COVID-19 OMAS in pediatric patients at a tertiary Children’s Hospital in 2022, both previously healthy female patients, 2 years and 18 months of age.

Patient A is a two year-old female who initially presented with ataxia in context of acute COVID-19 infection at 16 months of age and later developed abnormal eye movements, myoclonus and irritability with multiple relapses over a nine month period. Patient B is a 18 month-old female presenting with acute onset abnormal eye movements and ataxia at age 14 months and later developed myoclonic jerks and irritability with sleep disturbance, subsequently found to have COVID-19 antibodies, now with remission of symptoms. Both patients had comprehensive work up for malignancy, toxic-metabolic encephalopathy, structural central nervous system disease, infectious meningoencephalitis and genetic ataxia syndromes. Both were treated with IVIG and high dose steroids. Patient A had subsequent relapses and required escalation of treatment to ACTH. Patient A had a more complicated course which included treatment with acetazolamide and levetiracetam for myoclonus. Her myoclonic jerks demonstrated intermittent electrographic correlates on EEG.
While OMAS associated with neuroblastic tumors is well described in the pediatric literature, it is less well known in relation to peri-infectious phenomena, particularly SARS-CoV-2 infection in children. Prior published reports of OMAS related to COVID-19 infection in adults indicated a favorable prognosis after initial treatment. However, we present a case with repeated relapses and the need for more aggressive treatment. The present report broadens the phenotypic spectrum for OMAS outside of paraneoplastic etiologies.