We conducted monthly group tele-mentoring sessions using the proven Project ECHO model as our primary educational framework. Project ECHO creates collaborative learning networks led by expert interprofessional teams and includes de-identified patient case discussion, mentoring, and didactic presentations using a web-based videoconferencing platform to conduct virtual sessions with learners. Sessions were accredited for physicians and nurses. We assessed changes in knowledge, competency, and performance pre-/post-initiative and gathered participant feedback using online surveys and phone interviews.
We also created an accredited, online activity for clinicians across the country; its content aligned with that of the live ECHO sessions.
Clinicians from 7 sites participated in the Project ECHO portion of the initiative. Sites included academic medical centers, community hospitals, and private practices. The online national educational activity launched April 27, 2022,with over 350 participants thus far. Learners for this initiative included neurologists, pediatricians, nurses, NPs, PAs, and other professionals who collectively care for approximately 1,000 patients with SMA on a regular basis.
Outcomes data and feedback revealed positive effects on learning and performance with statistically significant increases in knowledge and competency. However, persistent learning gaps remained post-education related to appropriate use of available and emerging treatments, suggesting areas for continued education.