Centenarians with Cerebrovascular Disease: 38 Patients from a Single Center. How much do we know? What can we improve?
Roxana Dragomir1, Octavio Carranza-Renteria1, Denis Babici1, Lesli Miles-Kiple2, Kendra Kent2, Diana Barratt3
1Neurology, Florida Atlantic University, 2Boca Raton Regional Hospital, 3Marcus Neuroscience Institute
To better meet their needs and improve care, the authors analyzed the clinical characteristics, co-morbidities, and outcomes of centenarians with cerebrovascular disease. 
There is a dearth of literature on cerebrovascular disease in the oldest old-a fragile population with distinctive characteristics and specific exigencies. 
Retrospective QI analysis of de-identified data on 6,348 patients (2007-2022) from the Boca Raton Regional Hospital Get With The Guidelines-Stroke database. 

Centenarians (n=38) comprised 0.6% of the patients; 76% were female. Prior to admission 53% ambulated independently, 16% with assistance, and 5% were not ambulatory. Comorbid conditions included the following: hypertension-87%; dysplipidemia-58%; atrial fibrillation/flutter-34%; previous stroke-26%; previous TIA-18%; CAD/MI-18%; diabetes-8%; and carotid stenosis-8%.  

Stroke subtypes were as follows: ischemic stroke-74%, TIA-21%; intraparenchymal hemorrhage-5%; and SAH-0%. Clinical characteristics on admission follow: NIHSS (mean=8, range 0-28); SBP (mean=162, range 110-199); DBP (mean=78, range 50-111); BMI (mean=23, range 15-27); LDL (mean=113, range 44 -207); glucose (mean=115, range 72-84). Eleven percent of the ischemic stroke patients received either IV thrombolytics (n=2) or thrombectomy (n=1).  

Ambulation on discharge follows: 16% ambulated independently; 37% with assistance, and 34% were not ambulatory. Disposition on discharge follows: 39% went home (mean NIHSS on admission=2, range 0-7); 21% went to other healthcare facilities (mean NIHSS on admission=6, range 1-23); and 34% of the patients were discharged with hospice (mean NIHSS on presentation=16, range 4-28). Among patients discharged to hospice, 69% were NPO the entire admission and 77% were not ambulatory at discharge. 

Centenarians discharged home after being admitted for cerebrovascular disease had lower presenting NIHSS than those discharged to a healthcare facility or discharged with hospice. Missing data precludes comparisons, but the majority of centenarians discharged with hospice were NPO the entire admission and were unable to ambulate at discharge. 