Neudrawlogy: Simplifying Neurology to Create a Global Social Media Impact
Gabriela Figueiredo Pucci1, Catherine SW Albin2
1Department of Neurology, UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH, 2Department of Neurology, Division of Neurocritical Care, Emory University School of Medicine,

To demonstrate the educational impact of Neudrawlogy, a social-media initiative that posts infographics about Neurology.


Over the last several years, social media platforms have become important forums for educators and students alike, and the importance of these virtual forums was accelerated by the COVID19 pandemic.1 Twitter has emerged as a preferred social media platform for members of the medical community and offers educators a unique ability to reach a global medical audience at low cost and high speed.2, 3 The #Neurotwitter community has grown steadily, and there are over fifteen thousand #Neurotwitter posts monthly.4 Neudrawlogy was created in August 2021 with the aim of simplifying Neurology for this global audience by presenting thoughtfully illustrated infographics and paired microteaching in the form of tweetorials (series of tweets forming a tutorial).


Evaluation of the Twitter metrics of @Neudrawlogy from August 2021 to July 2022, including number of posts, number of visualizations per post, number of followers. We also used the AI-driven Twitter analytic platform “Tweepsmap®” to better characterize the geographic variance of the followers.


On Twitter, Neudrawlogy had 1,170,243 views and 154,799 profile visits in 1 year. There were 214 tweets posted and an average of 102,021 views per tweet. A total of 27 infographics were posted, with an average of 43,342 views per infographic. In this period, the page had a total of 4,899 new followers. Followers are mainly from the US (30.2%), India (11.5%), Australia (9.2%), UK (6.7%), and Saudi Arabia (5.1%).


By providing simple illustrations and microteaching “tweetorials,” Neudrawlogy achieved more than 1 million viewers in one year. Teaching through social media platforms like Twitter is a free and innovative method for disseminating Neurology-focused teaching and may allow educators to reach a global audience.
