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334 Sagittal Gait Kinematics in Adults with Cerebral Palsy at Gross Motor Classification System I, II, or III With and Without Hamstrings Surgery

335 When is Surgery Necessary for Symptomatic Accessory Navicular in Children and Adolescents? A Retrospective Case-Cohort Study

336 MRI is a Feasible Alternative to Arthrogram and Spica Cast Change in Closed Reduction Treatment for a Developmentally Dislocated Hip

337 Massive Rotator Cuff Tears Augmented with a Subacromial Balloon Spacer: Does it Reduce the Retear Rate? A Prospective Study

338 Antioxidants Reduce Oxidative Stress and Accelerate Tendon-to-Bone Healing after Rotator Cuff Repair