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e669 Ultrasound and Outcomes of Rotator Cuff Repair with New Acellular Human Allograft at 6-Months Post-Surgery

Author:Sarah Kurkowski, MD  John Bonamer  Nihar Shah, MD  Brian Grawe, MD,FAAOS  

Event Title:e571-e670 Sports Medicine ePosters  

Event Type:ePosters  

Category-Classification:Sports Medicine  

Event Day:Monday, February 12  

e670 Does Foot Function Affect Pitching Motion? Players with Impaired Foot Function Show Inconsistent Pitching Motion

GP-119 Artificial Intelligence Can Automatically Measure Component Orientation, Lateralization, and Distalization on Postoperative Radiographs after Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty

GP-175 Comparison of Clinical, Radiologic Outcomes of Combined Revision Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Anterolateral Ligament Reconstruction versus Isolated Revision Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

GP-206 Long-Term Effectiveness and Outcome-Determining Factors of Arthroscopic Bankart Repair for Recreational Sports Population: An Assessment of 100 Patients with a Mean Follow Up of 12.7 Years