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478 Do Skeletal Maturity Estimates Correlate when Performed at Different Anatomical Locations?

479 The Effect of Ketorolac on Pediatric Bone Healing Rate following Osteotomy in Patients with Deformity or Limb Length Discrepancy

480 Patients with Significant Femoral Version Abnormalities Report Lower Quality of Life than Asymptomatic Controls

e231 Fabrication of a Novel 3D Extrusion Bioink Containing Processed Human Articular Cartilage for Application in Cartilage Tissue Engineering

e232 Perinatal and Infant Risk Factors for Incidence of Idiopathic Clubfoot

Author:Dhruv Mendiratta, BS  Isabel Herzog  Alice Chu, MD  

Event Title:e231-e235 Limb Deformity ePosters  

Event Type:ePosters  

Category-Classification:Limb Deformity  

Event Day:Monday, February 12