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e576 Glenoid Labrum Tear Size is not Related to the Number of Preoperative Dislocations nor Time from Injury to Surgery in Patients Receiving Arthroscopic Anterior and Posterior Labral Repairs

e757 Are Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeons Adequately Compensated for Treating Acetabular Fractures? An Analysis of Operative Times and Work Relative Value Units

e773 Outcomes of Hemi-Hamate Arthroplasty for Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Reconstruction

OVT060 Excision of Glomus Tumor Using the Nail-Sparing Approach

OVT069 Clinical Efficacy of Adductor Canal Block in Medial Opening Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy

Author:Byung Hoon Lee, MPH  Yeokyung Kang, PhD  Jaeang Sim, MPH  

Event Title:OVT068-OVT069 Limb Deformity  

Event Type:Orthopaedic Video Theater  

Category-Classification:Limb Deformity  

Event Day:Monday, February 12