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126 Collecting Long-Term (5 to 10 Years) Patient-Reported Outcome Measures May Be Unnecessary for Total Knee Arthroplasties

127 Do Overall Body Weight, Body Mass Index, or Clinically Significant Weight Changes Occur after Total Knee Arthroplasty? A Meta-Analysis of 41,338 Patients

182 Double the Reoperation Rate of Femoral Neck Fractures Treated with Osteosynthesis Compared to Arthroplasty in Patients 65 Years or Older

450 Predictive Modeling of Medical and Orthopaedic-Related 30-Day-Readmissions following Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty

e008 Will Arthroplasty Demand Outpace Surgeon Capacity? Total Joint Arthroplasty Procedure-to-Surgeon Ratios by State from 2013 to 2019