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e668 Larger Zona Orbicularis Size on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Is Not Associated with Increased Resistance to Axial Distraction of the Hip Joint

e669 Ultrasound and Outcomes of Rotator Cuff Repair with New Acellular Human Allograft at 6-Months Post-Surgery

Author:Sarah Kurkowski, MD  John Bonamer  Nihar Shah, MD  Brian Grawe, MD,FAAOS  

Event Title:e571-e670 Sports Medicine ePosters  

Event Type:ePosters  

Category-Classification:Sports Medicine  

Event Day:Monday, February 12  

e670 Does Foot Function Affect Pitching Motion? Players with Impaired Foot Function Show Inconsistent Pitching Motion

e671 Delaying Acetabular Fracture Open Reduction Internal Fixation Can Save a Unit of Blood Loss: A Quantitative Analysis

e672 The Trajectory of Patient-Reported Outcomes and Minimal Clinically Important Differences in Isolated and Polytraumatic Pelvis and Acetabular Fractures