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e600 Concomitant Lumbosacral Spine Pathology is Not a Contraindication for Arthroscopic Hip Preservation Surgery: A Matched Control Study Comparing Mid-Term Outcomes

e602 Differences in Pelvic Tilt in Surgically Treated Femoroacetabular Impingement and Hip Dysplasia

e605 Hip Arthroscopy Versus Physical Therapy for the Treatment of Symptomatic Acetabular Labral Tears in Patients Older than 40 Years: A 2-Year Report of a Randomized Controlled Trial

e606 Similar Clinical Outcomes following Open and Endoscopic Repair of Proximal Hamstring Tendon Tears at a Minimum 5-Years Follow Up

e609 Arthrogram or No Arthrogram? MRI versus MR Arthrogram Accuracy and Precision in Determining Labral Tear Extent as a Function of Time from Shoulder Dislocation