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e560 Ultrasonography for the Evaluation of the Anterior Neck and Hematoma Before and After Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery

e563 Axial Rotation is the Dominant Loading of the Female Sacroiliac Joint and Female Motion Qualities are Asymmetric: A Cadaver-Based Biomechanical Study

Author:Oluwatodimu Richard Raji, PhD,MSc,BS  Jeremi Leasure, MS  

Event Title:e486-e570 Spine ePosters  

Event Type:ePosters  


Event Day:Monday, February 12  

e565 Impact of Spine Surgeons on National Institutes of Health Grant Funding Awarded for Degenerative Spine Disease Research

e566 Trends in Volume and Utilization of Spine Surgeries from 2013 to 2021

e572 Arthroscopic Stabilization Surgery for First-Time Anterior Shoulder Dislocations: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis