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348 A Novel Methodology for Establishing Best Values for Minimal Clinically Important Difference (MCID), Substantial Clinical Benefit (SCB), and Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) Thresholds following Rotator Cuff Repair

351 Clinical Outcomes for Dermal Allograft Glenoid Augmentation in Patients with Anterior Shoulder Instability and Subcritical Bone Loss

352 Rotator Cuff Repair With or Without Patch Augmentation: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

356 Patient-Reported Outcomes and Function after Surgical Repair of the Ulnar Collateral Ligament of the Thumb

357 Higher Posterior Tibial Slope and Varus Alignment of the Knee are Associated with Delayed Graft Maturation after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Surgery