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e073 Dual-Mobility Bearings Reduce Instability but are No Panacea in Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty for Recurrent Dislocation: Mid-Term Results from a Single-Center Series

e089 Monobloc Dual Mobility versus Large Femoral Heads: A Comparative Study on 1,940 Consecutive Primary Arthroplasties

e124 The Implant Fixation Biomechanics of Total Knee Arthroplasty are Influenced by the Knee Joint Moments during Gait: A Computational Study

e147 Maintaining Value after the Bundle: Relative Cost Efficiency of an Orthopaedic Practice after Leaving the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Initiative

e160 Bacteria Detected by Next-Generation Sequencing Demonstrate a High Probability of Periprosthetic Joint Infection: An Analysis of 2,389 Synovial Fluid Samples