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e560 Ultrasonography for the Evaluation of the Anterior Neck and Hematoma Before and After Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery

e562 Dynamic Radiographs are Unreliable to Assess Arthrodesis following Cervical Fusion: A Modeled Radiostereometric Analysis of Cervical Motion

e567 The Five-Year Baseline Prevalence of Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Disorders in Patients Undergoing Short Spinal Fusion for Degenerative Disc Disease

e569 Reassessing Glycemic Index: Data-Driven HbA1c and Same Day Glucose Strata that Maximize the Likelihood of 90-Day Major Complications following Lumbar Fusion

e575 Return to Play following Operative Management of Anterior Shoulder Instability In Overhead Athletes – A Systematic Review