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328 Effective Local Wound Infiltration with Morphine, Ketorolac, and Bupivacaine following Lower Extremities Tendon Surgery in Pediatric Patients: A Stratified Randomized Controlled Trial

330 Idiopathic Toe Walking: Retrospective Cohort Study Demonstrates Gastrocs/Soleus/Achilles Surgery Results in Greatest Improvement in ROM and Greatest Resolution of Toe Walking

334 Sagittal Gait Kinematics in Adults with Cerebral Palsy at Gross Motor Classification System I, II, or III With and Without Hamstrings Surgery

336 MRI is a Feasible Alternative to Arthrogram and Spica Cast Change in Closed Reduction Treatment for a Developmentally Dislocated Hip

339 To Patch or Not – A Comparative Cohort Study of Revision Rotator Cuff Repairs With versus Without an Arthroscopically-Inserted Onlay Bioinductive Implant