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e269 Comparison of Outcomes of Pediatric Femoral Shaft Fracture Repair by Pediatric and Nonpediatric Orthopaedists

e270 Risk Factors of Vitamin D Deficiencies on Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Development

e271 Predicting Prolonged Hospital Stay following Hip Dysplasia Surgery in the Pediatric Population Using an Artificial Neural Network to Identify the Most Important Variables

e275 Patient-Reported Outcomes are Not Different in Pediatric Patients with Medial Epicondyle Fractures Treated Surgically or Nonsurgically at 2-10 Years after Injury

Author:Sumit Gupta, MD,MPH,FAAOS  Blaine Manning, MD  

Event Title:e256-e305 Pediatrics ePosters  

Event Type:ePosters  


Event Day:Monday, February 12  

e283 How does a Large Language Model Artificial Intelligence Fare with Pediatric Orthopaedic Knowledge?