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e557 Is there an Anatomic Basis for the Different Behavior of Lenke Types 1AR and 1AL in Idiopathic Scoliosis? A Study on Facet Joint Tropism Influence

e562 Dynamic Radiographs are Unreliable to Assess Arthrodesis following Cervical Fusion: A Modeled Radiostereometric Analysis of Cervical Motion

e563 Axial Rotation is the Dominant Loading of the Female Sacroiliac Joint and Female Motion Qualities are Asymmetric: A Cadaver-Based Biomechanical Study

Author:Oluwatodimu Richard Raji, PhD,MSc,BS  Jeremi Leasure, MS  

Event Title:e486-e570 Spine ePosters  

Event Type:ePosters  


Event Day:Monday, February 12  

e576 Glenoid Labrum Tear Size is not Related to the Number of Preoperative Dislocations nor Time from Injury to Surgery in Patients Receiving Arthroscopic Anterior and Posterior Labral Repairs

e578 Low Rate of Revision following Arthroscopic Management of Shoulder Instability in Division 1 College Football