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P062 Area Socioeconomic Status is a Predictor of the Overall Mortality of Patients with Metastatic Cancer to Bone

P066 The Effects of Surgical Site Infiltrate of Liposomal Bupivacaine along with Bupivacaine in Postoperative Opioid Use and Pain Score in Patients Undergoing Major Hip Surgeries

P084 Internal Rotation and Cross-Body Adduction after Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: Modes of In-Vivo Impingement are Different than Current In-Silico Simulations

P099 Outcomes of Lateral Meniscal Oblique Radial Tear Repairs are Similar to Intact Meniscus after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Cohort Study

P105 The Comparison of Injuries in National Football League Players (2016-2021) based on the Playing Surface: Natural Grass versus Artificial Turf