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e297 Male Sex is an Independent Risk Factor for Patellar Osteochondral Fractures following Acute Patellar Dislocation in Pediatric Patients

e298 Systematic Isolation of Key Parameters for Evaluating Anteroposterior Shoulder Radiographs

e300 Is there a Role for Isolated Closed Reduction in Displaced Proximal Humerus Fractures in Adolescents?

e303 Pediatric and Adolescent 1st Metacarpal Fractures: Epidemiology, Outcomes, and Complications

Author:Lindsay Kohan, BA, BS  Catherine May, BS  Joshua Abzug, MD,FAAOS  

Event Title:e256-e305 Pediatrics ePosters  

Event Type:ePosters  


Event Day:Monday, February 12  

e307 Rate of Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair Performed at Ambulatory Surgery Centers Remains Low Despite Significant Cost Savings for the Healthcare System