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023 Virtual Reality Use in Pediatric Patients for Orthopedic Clinical Procedures: A Randomized Prospective Trial of Efficacy

024 Scoliosis School Screening in the United States: What is the Current Lay of the Land?

Author:Kelly Falcone, MS, RN  Charles Mehlman, DO,MPH,FAAOS  

Event Title:(018-028) Pediatrics I Papers  

Event Type:Paper Presentations  


Event Day:Tuesday, March 7  

025 The Effect of Idiopathic Scoliosis on Natural Delivery and Use of Epidural Anesthesia: A Matched Cohort Study

026 Maintenance of Curve Correction and Unplanned Return to the Operating Room with Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods for Early Onset Scoliosis: A Cohort of 24 Patients with Follow Up between 2 and 7 Years

027 Anesthesia Complications of NPO Violations in Pediatric Orthopaedic Emergencies