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P0610 ‘Early’ Prosthetic Joint Infections following Total Knee Arthroplasty are More Resistant and Polymicrobial than ‘Late’ Prosthetic Joint Infections: Antibiotic Sensitivities to Guide Empiric Antibiotic Choice

P0629 Combined High Preoperative Pain and Low Radiographic Grade is Associated with Higher Intensity Persistent Pain 12 Months after Total Knee Arthroplasty

P0923 Lower Risk of Revision with Suspensory Tibial Fixation Versus Interference Tibial Fixation of Hamstring Tendon Autografts in Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction: Results from the New Zealand ACL Registry

P0997 Safety of Prepping the External Fixator In Situ during Staged Fixation of Pilon Fractures: A Retrospective Comparative Cohort Study

Rise of Infection/How Can Registries Identify and Address the Problem?