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P0195 Newly Developed Bone Targeting Platinum Complex Effectively Targets Cisplatin Resistant Relapsed Osteosarcoma in a Patient-Derived Orthotopic Xenograft (PDOX) Mouse Model

P0207 The Tension of the Iliopsoas Tendon More than Doubles during Extension of the Dysplastic Hip in Open Reduction

P0305 Evaluating the True Cost of a Proximal Humerus Fracture: The Importance of Indirect Cost and Productivity Loss

P0333 Longitudinal Study to Determine whether Maintaining Limb and Trunk Muscle Strength, especially Back Muscle Strength, is Useful in Preventing Back Pain Deterioration, Maintaining Quality of Life, and Maintaining Sagittal Alignment of the Spine

P0337 Vertebral Fracture should be the Last Straw for Sagittal Decompensation in Adult Spinal Deformity; A Mean 13.6-Year Longitudinal Study of Natural Course