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503 K-Wire vs. Screw Fixation in Pediatric Lateral Condyle Fractures: A Multicenter Study of 762 Fractures

P0156 Posterior Ankle Impingement: It is Not All About the Os Trigonum

P0194 Evaluation of the Surgical Management of the Skeleton in Patients with Ollier's Disease and Mafucci Syndrome

P0197 Nonsurgical Management of Closed Displaced Tibia Shaft Fractures in Patients under 18 Years of Age: Low Failure Rate

P0198 Untreated Congenital Vertical Talus Deformity in Walking Age: Minimally Invasive Method Works

Author:Jason Cummings, BS  Pooya Hosseinzadeh, MD, FAAOS  

Event Title:P0196-P0220 Pediatrics Poster Session 1  

Event Type:Posters  


Event Day:Tuesday, March 7