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P0187 Single-Stage versus Multi-Stage Intramedullary Nailing for Multiple Synchronous Long Bone Impending and Pathologic Fractures in Metastatic Bone Disease and Multiple Myeloma

P0189 3D-Printed Patient-Specific Cutting Guides versus Freehand Resection for Internal Hemipelvectomy: Clinical and Oncologic Outcomes

P0190 Comparing Reconstruction Techniques for Proximal Tibia Tumors: Allograft Prosthetic Composites are Associated with Higher Reoperation Rate but Longer Survival than Proximal Tibia Replacements

P0192 Bone Healing after Autogenous Bone Grafting Using ‘High Hydrostatic Pressure’ in Posterolateral Spinal Fusion Model

P0194 Evaluation of the Surgical Management of the Skeleton in Patients with Ollier's Disease and Mafucci Syndrome