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060 Factors Associated with Genetic Markers for Rotator Cuff Disease in Patients with Atraumatic Rotator Cuff Tears

061 Long-Term Clinical and Structural Outcomes of Arthroscopic Superior Capsule Reconstruction for Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears: 10-Year Follow Up

062 Rotator Cuff Repair Failure With and Without Arthroscopic Acromioplasty: Analysis of a National Medicare Database

066 Progression of Asymptomatic Contralateral Femur in Patients with Complete Atypical Femoral Fractures According to the Initial Radiographic Finding

Author:Kyung-Jae Lee, MD  Byung-Woo Min, MD  Beom-Soo Kim, MD  Chul-Hyun Cho, MD,PhD  

Event Title:(063-073) Trauma II Papers  

Event Type:Paper Presentations  


Event Day:Wednesday, March 8  

069 Significant Loss of Skeletal Muscle Mass Occurs after Femoral Fragility Fracture