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P0946 3D-Printed One-Third Tubular Plates in an Ankle Fracture Model: A Biomechanical Study

P0947 Clinical Trial of a New Device for Real-Time Muscle Pressure Measurements in Patients with an Upper or Lower Extremity Fracture at Risk for Acute Compartment Syndrome

P0948 The Long-Term Effect of Intraoperative Hip Fracture Injections on Function and Patient-Reported Outcomes: A Randomized Controlled Trial

P0949 Uncemented Hip Hemiarthroplasty is Associated with Increased Fracture Risk and Complications Compared to Cemented Hemiarthroplasty

P0953 Patients Who Have Depressive Disorder Undergoing Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty for Femoral Neck Fractures Have Longer In-Hospital Lengths of Stay and Higher Rates of Complications and Costs of Care

Author:Ivan Golub, MD  Rushabh Vakharia, MD  Charles Conway, MD  Chaim Miller  Kevin Kang, MD,FAAOS  

Event Title:P0946-P1000 Trauma Poster Session 2  

Event Type:Posters  


Event Day:Thursday, March 9