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325 Minimally Invasive Method in Treatment of Idiopathic Congenital Vertical Talus: Recurrence is Uncommon

Author:Jason Cummings, BS  Pooya Hosseinzadeh, MD, FAAOS  

Event Title:(321-331) Pediatrics III Papers  

Event Type:Paper Presentations  


Event Day:Thursday, March 9  

326 Understanding the Biomechanics of Cast-Induced Heel Pressure Sores using a Sensor Model: Novel Device Significantly More Effective at Alleviating Pressure Compared to other Interventions

330 Dermabond®, Friend or Foe? A Retrospective Review of Dermabond® Sensitivity in Pediatric Patients

341 Diversity in Trauma and Orthopaedics: A Survey of Prospective Trauma and Orthopaedics Surgeons in the United Kingdom

342 Gender Based Differences in Views of Trauma and Orthopaedics: A Survey of Prospective Trauma and Orthopaedics Surgeons in the United Kingdom