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134 Comparing Current Uncemented, Hybrid, and Cemented Implant Combinations in Older Patients Undergoing Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: A New Zealand Joint Registry Study

164 Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction with Hamstring Tendon is Associated with a Sixfold increase in Failure Rates Compared with Patella Tendon Grafts in Young Females: A Cohort Study from the New Zealand ACL Registry

523 Do Transtibial Amputations Outperform Amputations of the Hind- and Midfoot following Severe Limb Trauma? A Secondary Analysis of the OUTLET Study

GP-164 Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction with Hamstring Tendon is Associated with a Sixfold increase in Failure Rates Compared with Patella Tendon Grafts in Young Females: A Cohort Study from the New Zealand ACL Registry