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001 Depressive Disorders are Associated with Higher Rates of Complications, Readmissions, and Episode of Care Costs following Knee Arthroscopy

P0057 Socioeconomic Status Using the Area Deprivation Index is Associated with Increased Medical Complications and Emergency Department Utilization after Total Hip Arthroplasty: Consideration of the Disadvantaged Patient

P0182 Unfolded Protein Response Targets Chondrosarcoma Stem Cells via Toll Like Receptor Mediated Mechanism: Exciting Therapeutic Applications for PRP-1

P0200 Fibrin Glue is a Viable Alternative to Fat Graft for Interposition after Tarsal Coalition Resection

P0519 What are the Causes, Costs, and Risk Factors for Emergency Department Visits following Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty? An Analysis of 1,018,772 Patients