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OVT011 Acute Total Hip Replacement for Geriatric Acetabular Fracture: Anterior Intrapelvic Approach and Posterolateral Approach

OVT151 Monitored Anesthesia Care and Soft-Tissue Infiltration With Local Anesthesia for Short Cephalomedullary Nailing in Medically Complex Patients: A Technique Video

OVT160 Revision Patellar Tendon Repair With Hamstring Tendon Autograft Augmentation Following Failed Inferior Pole Patella Fracture Open Reduction and Internal Fixation

Author:Dylan Lowe, MD  Sara Solasz, BA  Laith Jazrawi, MD,FAAOS  Kenneth Egol, MD,FAAOS  

Event Title:OVT146-OVT161 Trauma  

Event Type:Orthopaedic Video Theater  


Event Day:Tuesday, March 7  

P0240 Skilled Nursing Facility after Hip Fracture Diminishes Care "Quality"

P0251 A COVID-19 Pandemic Deathtrap: The Peril of Subacute Nursing Facilities following Hip Fracture