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001 Depressive Disorders are Associated with Higher Rates of Complications, Readmissions, and Episode of Care Costs following Knee Arthroscopy

P0468 The Role of Neighborhood Social Deprivation in Patients Undergoing Hemiarthroplasty: Complications, Readmissions, and Costs of Care

P0953 Patients Who Have Depressive Disorder Undergoing Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty for Femoral Neck Fractures Have Longer In-Hospital Lengths of Stay and Higher Rates of Complications and Costs of Care

Author:Ivan Golub, MD  Rushabh Vakharia, MD  Charles Conway, MD  Chaim Miller  Kevin Kang, MD,FAAOS  

Event Title:P0946-P1000 Trauma Poster Session 2  

Event Type:Posters  


Event Day:Thursday, March 9  

TPA-001 Depressive Disorders are Associated with Higher Rates of Complications, Readmissions, and Episode of Care Costs following Knee Arthroscopy