Disclosures for "School Performance and Psychiatric Comorbidity in Juvenile Absence Epilepsy and Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy: A Danish Population-based Cohort Study"
Dr. Spangsberg Boesen has nothing to disclose.
Miss Klein-Petersen has nothing to disclose.
Dr. El Mahdaoui has nothing to disclose.
Mrs. Schou has nothing to disclose.
Mrs. Schou has nothing to disclose.
Prof. Thygesen has nothing to disclose.
Maria Jose Miranda has nothing to disclose.
Mr. Born has nothing to disclose.
Mr. Christensen has nothing to disclose.
Anna Eltvedt has nothing to disclose.
Peter Uldall has nothing to disclose.
Prof. CACIC HRIBLJAN has nothing to disclose.