Unraveling Complexity: Concurrent Myxopapillary Ependymoma and Pancreatic Gastrinoma in a Young Adult - A Syndromic Association or Mere Coincidence?
Joseph Thirumalareddy1, Mittal Prajapati2
1Internal Medicine, Creighton University school of Medicine, 2Immanuel Medical Center- Neurology Institute
To explore the diagnostic and therapeutic challenges of a rare presentation of myxopapillary ependymoma, complicated by concurrent pancreatic gastrinoma, underlining the necessity for heightened awareness of potential syndromic associations and atypical manifestations in neuro-oncological practice.

Ependymomas, glial tumors originating near ependymal structures, exhibit several subtypes, with myxopapillary ependymomas being exceptionally rare and traditionally associated with the spinal cord's filum terminale. These tumors' management is often straightforward; however, atypical presentations, especially alongside other neoplasms, demand a reevaluation of clinical expectations and strategies.

We present a 27-year-old female's case, initially manifesting with cauda equina syndrome, indicative of a significant neurosurgical condition. Comprehensive assessment, including MRI, confirmed a large intradural extramedullary mass, leading to a myxopapillary ependymoma diagnosis. Following a partial resection and radiation therapy, she exhibited symptom regression and tumor size reduction. However, an unexpected development occurred with the onset of gastrointestinal symptoms, leading to the discovery of a pancreatic gastrinoma, an uncommon concurrent pathology.
Post-surgical and radiation intervention for the ependymoma showed promising initial control, emphasizing the efficacy of current management protocols for localized control. In contrast, the subsequent gastrinoma diagnosis introduced a complex scenario, suggesting a potential underlying genetic propensity or syndromic condition, given the unusual coincidence of two distinct neoplasms. The patient underwent successful gastrinoma resection, albeit with post-operative complications.
This case underscores the unpredictable nature of neuro-oncological presentations, where a rare form of ependymoma coexists with an extraneural malignancy, suggesting broader genetic implications. It advocates for clinicians' preparedness to encounter and manage atypical presentations and complications, reinforcing the need for thorough patient evaluation to decipher potential syndromic links, like MEN1, and adapt management strategies accordingly. Further research into such extraordinary co-occurrences could illuminate unseen genetic pathways and advance personalized therapeutic approaches.