Modern Approaches to the Diagnosis of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
Nargiza Mansurova1, Yakuthon Madjidova1, Ramazon Boymurodov1
1Tashkent pediatric medical institute

To study the association between helicobacter pylori and Parkinson’s disease. 


Helicobacter pylori (HP) is a bacterium associated with gastrointestinal diseases and It was stated that HP might lead to the pathogenesis of PD by causing direct damage to the dopaminergic neurons or acting as neurotoxins via increasing the level of cholesterol glucosides.


We recruited 112 PD patients. The clinical evaluation included full neurological examination and assessment of PD using the modified Hoehn and Yahr scale and the PD severity was evaluated using the MDS-UPDRS Rating Scale during the ON medication state. The exclusion criteria were antibiotic use within the preceding 3 months, probiotic use within the preceding month, long-term care residence.


We have found that 38.5% of 39 PD patients were infected with HP. These infected PD patients were older 70,0±4.98 years compare with 65,8±4,25 . According to sex dominancy, male had more prevalence of HP positive, 66,6 to 33,4.  PD patients with HP positive have 123,2± 24,6, while HP negative have 23,75±11,63 HP loading. Compared to HP-negative patients, HP-positive patients had a statistically significantly worse score according to the UPDRS (34.0±13.0 vs. 27.3±10.0, p=0.04); HP positive patients have more severe stage of the disease then HP negative, 3,1±0,98 to 2,2±0,88 relatively. That study revealed important effects of HP infection on UPDRS-III of PD patients and they have more severe course of the disease;


The prevalence of HP infection among PD patients is significantly higher and is more common in patients over 60 years of age.
