Troriluzole Exhibits Favorable Hepatic Safety Profile Across a Diverse Range of Disorders
Irfan Qureshi1, Melissa Beiner1, Richard Bertz1, Stephen Kaplita1, Rong Yang1, Azim Munivar1, David Stock1, Victoria Wirtz1, Vladimir Coric1
1Biohaven Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Characterize the hepatic safety profile of troriluzole from an extensive clinical program
across a diverse range of disorders.
Troriluzole, a novel, optimized prodrug of the glutamate modulating agent riluzole, was
designed to overcome the liabilities of riluzole (i.e., significant first-pass metabolism, dose-
dependent transaminase elevations, low oral bioavailability, high PK variability and negative
food effect). Approximately 50% of riluzole-treated patients experience increased ALT: 8% >
3xULN and 2% > 5xULN. Elevated ALT leading to discontinuation and fatal hepatic injury have
been reported with riluzole. Troriluzole bypasses first-pass metabolism reducing riluzole burden
on the liver and is expected to have a superior hepatic safety profile.
Hepatic safety data were analyzed from troriluzole treated participants across 6 completed and ongoing phase 2/3 clinical trials in spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA; n=337), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD; n=397), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD; n=335) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD; n=276). Doses studied ranged from 140-280 mg QD for SCA/AD/OCD and 100mg BID for GAD.
A total of 1,386 participants received troriluzole 140,200 or 280mg QD or 100mg BID and 1,345 had on-treatment liver function test data. Mean (SD) average daily dose across indications was 205 (45) mg, and mean (SD) treatment duration was 323 (343) days. A total of 35 (2.6%) participants had ALT > 3xULN and 8 (0.6%) had ALT > 5xULN. Liver enzyme increases generally occurred within the first 12 weeks of treatment and resolved fully with continued treatment or with discontinuation. No signal of severe drug-induced liver injury was reported.
Troriluzole exhibited a favorable hepatic safety profile in a large clinical trial safety database. The cumulative frequencies of ALT > 3xULN (2.6%) and > 5xULN (0.6%) were substantially lower than those reported for riluzole (8% and 2%, respectively), confirming troriluzole’s hepatic safety advantages.