Smartphone Software Application-mediated At-home Telespirometry (AHT) Artificial Intelligence(AI)-algorithm Identifies Similar Proportion of Valid Erect (eFVC) and Supine (sFVC) Forced Vital Capacity Measurements and Comparable per Subject Test-ReTest Variability Above and Below Forced Vital Capacity 60% Predicted in an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Clinic Population
George Slavinski1, Eufrosina Young2, Dongliang Wang3, Benjamin Brooks4
1Pulmonary, 2Neurology, 3Statistics, SUNY Upstate University Hospital, 4Clinical Trials Planning LLC
Validate adherence to American Thoracic Society(ATS) 2019 Spirometry Guidelines when measuring eFVC/sFVC in ALS subjects with AHT monitored by AI-algorithm assessing FVC flow-volume-curves(Graham 2019).
Smartphone software-mediated AHT is being deployed world-wide to permit timely management with earlier treatment of ALS respiratory associated co-morbidities(Young Muscle&Nerve 2022, 2023; Moran Muscle&Nerve 2023). Each eFVC/sFVC measurement, previously evaluated by respiratory therapist(RT)can now be assessed by AI-algorithm that classifies eFVC/sFVC by flow-volume-curve characteristics and number of acceptable repeatable measurements within 0.150L(3-A, 2-B)|0.200L(2-C)|0.250 L(2-D)|> 0.250 L(2-E) or (1- acceptable-E)|none acceptable by prior repeatability criteria but usable based on at least one acceptable flow volume-curve(1-U). 
120 data sets representing the best eFVC/sFVC measurement in 22 ALS subjects participating in a pandemic pilot feasibility deployment of the ZephyRx-Breath-Easy-software application with MIR-turbine-spirometer and ZephyRx-cloud-database-dashboard to permit longitudinal AHT over median 194 days[95%CI=92, 223 days]. 
eFVC/sFVC ATS 2019 standards[classifications A,B,C,D,E]were met for mean-82.6%[95%CI=69.9%,95.2%]of measurements in ALS subjects increasing to mean-87.7%[95%CI=73.9 %,101.5 %]for classifications A,B,C,D,E,U]. eFVC/sFVC ATS 2019 standards[classifications A,B,C,D,E,U]were met for mean-93.2%[95%CI=78.5%,107.8%]of measurements for ALS subjects with eFVC-BL>60 %p, not statistically different from mean-82.5%[95%CI=-9.8%,174.4%]of measurements for ALS subjects with eFVC-BL<60 %p. eFVC/sFVC ATS 2019 failure(F)classification stratified by eFVC-BL>or<60 %p is not significantly increased in the eFVC-BL<60%p cohort in this observational study. ALS subject Test-ReTest repeatability was similar for eFVC/sFVC measurements despite stratification by eFVC-BL>or<60 %p.
This is the first report evaluating an ATS 2019 standards-based AI-algorithm in an ALS subject population monitored by AHT. eFVC/sFVC demonstrated high comparable attainment of benchmark indicators of appropriate eFVC/sFVC measurement when stratified by eFVC-BL>or<60 %p. We recommend that each iterative change AI-algorithm release be evaluated in the appropriate patient population to determine whether the benchmark indicators are maintained overtime. Future studies will include comparative assessment of best versus not-best assessments in his ALS clinic population.