Low Vasopressin in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Helena Huhmar1, Lauri Soinne2, Per Sjögren1, Bo Christer Bertilson3, Per Hamid Ghatan1, Björn Bragée1, Olli Polo1
1ME Center, Bragée Clinics, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Neurology, University of Helsinki, Finland, 3Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

To shed light on the pathophysiology of water homeostasis in patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS),  classified by WHO as a neurological disease (ICD 10 code G933).


The complex symptomatology of ME/CFS includes signs suggesting abnormal water homeostasis and hypovolemia. Since many patients report polyuria-polydipsia, we conducted an observational series of plasma and urine osmolality as well as plasma levels of vasopressin (VP) in consecutive patients diagnosed with ME/CFS according to the Canadian Consensus Criteria.


Plasma and urine osmolality (P-Osm and U-Osm, respectively) and plasma VP levels were measured in 111 patients after overnight fasting and 10-hour fluid deprivation. The clinical routine also included brain MRI and blood chemistry.


Following the fluid deprivation P-Osm was above normal (>292 mOsm/kg) in 61 patients (55.0%) and U-Osm below normal (< 750 mOsm/kg) in 74 patients (66.7%). VP-levels were below the level of detection (<1.6 pg/mL) in 91 patients (82.0%) . A normal level of VP in relation to their P-Osm was found in 11 patients (9.9 %). The state resembling a central type of diabetes insipidus (cDI) would in the absence of hypophyseal imaging findings and blood chemistry consistent with any other hypophyseal hormonal defect be classified as idiopathic.


Our findings suggest that deficiency of vasopressin secretion is a fundamental measurable part of the disease mechanisms, which may underlie a number of symptoms in ME/CFS, including the common complaint of orthostatic intolerance.
