Prevalence and Characteristics of Itch in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
Rami H Mahmoud1, Sarah Marmol1, Matthew Feldman1, Gil Yosipovitch1, Ihtsham Haq1
1University of Miami
To characterize itch in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and correlate it with disease characteristics.
Patients with PD report increased pain sensitivity. Given that itch and pain share some sensory pathways, it is possible that itch sensation is also altered. Prior work has found a significantly larger area of itch hypersensitivity in PD patients following histamine application, suggesting a possible alteration in central processing. Moreover, PD is commonly associated with a range of itchy disorders including seborrheic and perioral dermatitis, bullous pemphigoid, rosacea, hypo- and hyperhidrosis, and medication side effects.
We surveyed 38 patients with PD using a modified numeric itch scale. Patients were included in the itch+ group if they reported chronic history of itch on the questionnaire.  We collected demographic data by retrospective chart review.

47% of patients (18/38) reported itching. Average age, disease duration, and levodopa equivalent daily dosing (LEDD) were not statistically significant between itch and non-itch groups.

Among patients with itch, average duration was 13.2yrs, PD duration was 6yrs. Males were 2.86 times more likely than females to report chronic itch(p = 0.04). 

There was a slight negative correlation between PD duration and itch duration(r=-0.22), as well as between LEDD and itch duration(r=-0.34). A weak positive correlation was found between LEDD and itch severity(r=0.05). 

On a 10-point scale, average 24-hour itch severity was 5, average 24-hour worst itch was 6.19. Most common characteristics: burning quality(50%); localized distribution(88.24%); most common location was the back(55.56%); unilateral orientation(33%); duration of itch episodes 0-2 hours(93.75%).

Our findings suggest itch is relatively common amongst PD patients and more common in men than women. This contrasts with a lifetime prevalence of 22% and female predominance in a general population sample. Correlations between disease characteristics and itch were not statistically significant and further research is indicated.