Inclusion Body Myositis: Phenotype and Antibody Testing Sensitivity
Christelle Haddad1, Matthew Varon2, Jeffrey Statland2, Omar Jawdat2, Constantine Farmakidis2, Mamatha Pasnoor2, Swathy Chandrashekhar2, Mazen Dimachkie2
1Division of Neuromuscular Medicine, Neurology Department, 2University of Kansas Medical Center
To describe clinical phenotypes of patients with IBM, assess sensitivity of cN1A antibody and correlate antibody positivity with clinical patterns and disease progression. 

Characteristic clinical patterns in inclusion body myositis (IBM) include knee extensors and finger flexors but dysphagia is variable. Sensitivity of cN1A antibody ranges from 33-76%. Correlation between antibody positivity, disease phenotype and clinical course remains unclear.

Retrospective chart review of IBM patients evaluated at the Neuromuscular Clinics of an academic medical center.  
We identified over 100 patients and abstracted data on 30 patients fulfilling ENMC 2011 criteria for IBM. Median onset age was 59 years, 19 males and 90% white. For the first symptom, 15 had proximal leg weakness, 8 dysphagia, 3 hand weakness, 3 foot weakness and 1 myalgias. For the second symptom, 10 had hand weakness, 8 proximal leg weakness, 5 dysphagia, 4 proximal arm weakness and 3 foot weakness. For the third symptom, 9 had hand weakness, 7 dysphagia, 5 proximal arm weakness, 5 proximal leg weakness, 3 foot weakness and 1 eyelid closure weakness. The median age at first, second, and third symptoms were 59, 62, and 65 years. Dysphagia occurred in 80% at median 1.5 years after onset. 3 of 8 tested were positive for cN1A antibody. Disease progression to requiring cane or walker occurred in 70% and 67 %, respectively, at median 7 and 10 years from first symptom onset.
While it is premature to draw conclusions about sensitivity of cN1A testing or correlation with clinical phenotype and disease progression, more subject data is being abstracted and will be presented. 