Using a Standardized Brain Attack Team (BAT) Flashcard to Improve Medical Student Learning During “Code-Stroke”
Yaqian Xu1, Andrew Beckwith1, Erin Feinstein1
1Rutgers Health New Jersey Medical School

To improve medical student experiences and learning during a code-stroke.


Cerebrovascular events are one of the most frequently encountered neurological emergencies in the emergency rooms and wards. Due to the limited duration of neurology clerkship and the urgency of code-strokes, learning under those scenarios can be confusing and difficult. We designed a standardized BAT (Brain Attack Team) flashcard that included key information relevant to treatment decision making during code-stroke, and simple diagrams of thrombolytic therapies and mechanical thrombectomy decision tree to enhance medical student learning.


This study has both qualitative and quantitative components. The BAT flashcard was distributed to all medical students during their orientation at the beginning of neurology clerkship (from August 2023 – ongoing). Physical copies of the flashcard are made available in the Neurology resident lounge. Medical students on the stroke team are encouraged to carry a copy when going to a code-stroke. Medical students were interviewed to obtain feedback on their thoughts and experiences using the flashcard. An anonymous survey to obtain quantitative feedback is being distributed at the end of medical students’ neurology clerkship.


Two groups of medical students have completed their neurology clerkship since August 2023. Most reported that the flashcard has been helpful in improving their understanding of code-stroke workflow and focusing on key information in action. Ongoing data collection for quantitative and qualitative feedback is expected to be completed by February 2024.


Providing learners with easily accessible information during time of a critical neurologic intervention improves the learning environment and better prepares the learner for independent thinking and decision-making.
